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Pre-trial remedies in blockchain and cryptocurrency-related litigation: Mareva injunctions and Anton Piller orders

Pre-trial remedies in blockchain and cryptocurrency-related litigation: Mareva injunctions and Anton Piller orders By Sam Wu (Rueters LLP) and Jeff Gebert (McMillan LLP) Blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies pose unique issues for investors pursuing legal remedies in the aftermath of an alleged fraud, misappropriation of funds, or corporate...

Rueters LLP wins a Mondaq “Top Communicator” award for article on cross-border litigation

Rueters LLP was named "Contributor With Most Reader Response In Canada" in December 2017 for Shannon Bennett's article "Trial Proceedings Conducted Outside the Territorial Jurisdiction of the Court."  Shannon's article discusses the Ontario Superior Court decision Rueters LLP lawyers obtained in Borrelli v. Chan, 2016 ONSC 4953, which allowed...

Recent Developments in Cross-Border Litigation: Ontario Superior Court Judge Can Take Evidence of Foreign Witnesses Testifying Outside Canada

Complex commercial litigation often involves evidence from witnesses in multiple jurisdictions.  Effective trial strategy in such cases can require special procedures enabling the evidence of foreign witnesses to be put before the trial court wherever the witnesses may be located.  This article examines recent developments...

Rueters LLP Second Anniversary Party

Robert Rueter was quoted in Precedent Magazine's article on Rueters LLP's 2nd Anniversary Party, which was held at Stratus Restaurant in downtown Toronto-- “Our lawyers are professionals who fight hard for our clients in sophisticated litigation, but we respect all the lawyers we work with and...